Historical record of the medicinal uses of this attractive tree has been confirmed back as far as the ancient Egyptians, and further. The Egyptians considered the branches a symbol of everlasting power, and according to some historians olive oils were used in many mummifications. The ancient Greeks used woven crowns of young olive branches to celebrate the winners of the first Olympic events.
Olive trees have been used by medicine for centuries, both the leaves and the oil.
Olive Leaf
It has been used since the times of the ancient Greeks to cleanse wounds. It also acts as mild diuretic and research has shown that olive leaves have the ability to assist in lowering blood sugar levels, as well as effective in helping to lower high blood pressure. The leaves also have antimicrobial properties, and are effective against many strong strains of fungi, viruses and bacteria.
Olive Oil
Olive oil, cold pressed from the fruit is protective to the digestive tract, when applied externally is soothes dry skin and is a good carrier oil for any essential oil.
If used in cooking or as a food supplement, it helps to keep the heart and arteries healthy and flexible, and regular use is shown to prevent a buildup of cholesterol in the arteries.
It has been used since Biblical times to keep skin soft and supple and has been used to speed the healing of broken or irritated skin.
Olive oil is an excellent alternative to butter or margarines. A tasty way to use it is to infuse your favourite herbs and spices in it for a few days. The oil can then be used in salads or sauces. Olive oil can be stored in a cool, dark cabinet for up to 6 months after opening, or up to a year if kept refrigerated after opening.
Source: various